Data Forecast
A long-term income prediction system for financial trading markets

A long-term income prediction system for financial trading markets
When launching a brand to the market it is important to have the estimates of the brand’s development for at least the nearest future. However, young brands do not have any history to refer to when it comes to making predictions. In such a case, it is possible to use historical data of other brands to make short- and most importantly long-term predictions about future brand growth or shrinking as well as to identify spikes in growth or decline. SOLVVE team developed a solution to make such predictions.
By taking information about seasonal changes from so-called parent brands, i.e. similar businesses who have been on the market for a longer time, our team can create a number of complex features that replicate fluctuations in target metrics vital for your business.
As your business grows and new data about your brand flows in, SOLVVE experts can adjust the model to reflect the current and future state of things more accurately.
Data science, Exploratory data analysis, Statistical analysis; Facebook fbprophet, ARIMA, Pandas, NumPy